NHL Owners Now Risk Getting a Criminal Record and Going to Prison if they Conspire to Reduce Players Compensation
Introduction As I have noted in my previous blogs, and in particular my blog dated Feb 21, 2022, the NHL's collective bargaining system is unfair because it is rigged against the Players. There is no equality of bargaining power......since 05/06 when the Owners 'broke the union' the NHLPA has not been able to exert any leverage over the NHL whatsoever. Players' Compensation as a percentage of HRR (now 50%) has actually reduced since 05/06, and there is no reasonable chance that it will be increased in the future. It simply does not make any financial sense for Players to strike, or to try and endure another lockout, in order to make even a small increase in Player Compensation. The math is set out in my blog of Feb 21, 2022. Link to my blog dated Feb 21, 2022: https://richardrodier.blogspot.com/2022/02/the-current-collective-bargaining.html Players, and their agents, can complain all they want about Gary's triple hard salary ca...